Nutritional quality of prepackaged food that carry health or nutritional claims and their compliance with SFDA regulations in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
May 01, 2020
Background Products that carry health or nutrition claims may be perceived by consumers as
healthier than those that do not carry claims. Therefore, they will have a more favorable attitude
towards it and may also be easily misled about the nutritional profile and may misinterpret it.
Nutritional quality of those products should be assessed to protect consumers against being misled
and ensuring that they receive accurate information about food products carrying a claim.
Methods a cross-sectional survey for a total of 1153 foods were randomly sampled from fourteen
stores in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The data were collected from nutritional facts present on food labels
and evaluated by comparing the mean level of nutrients between products that carried claims and
those that did not using the UK nutrient profile model (UKNPM).