All food policy in the EU is drafted with a double objective: ensuring a high level of protection of human life and consumers' interests and ensuring the effective functioning of the internal market. We help our clients navigate between those overarching principles, and ensure compliance with food safety whilst ensuring that their products can be freely marketed throughout the European Union.\

Food safety standards in the EU are considered among the stricter in the world. The shift towards a harmonized set of principles on food safety law came after a series of food incidents in late 1990s. The crises manifested the need to establish general principles and requirements concerning food and feed law at EU level. Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 laid down the general principles and requirements of food law (General Food Law Regulation) in all 28 EU countries and set up the EU's independent agency responsible for scientific advice and support, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

We help our clients ensure compliance with the key elements of general food safety, including traceability, responsibilities of food/feed business operators, risk assessment and transparency.

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